I'm posting to invite you to two events...IN VEGAS! Both events take place at the same time, so you choose the event that fits your needs.
Relevance LEAD 2012: Create. Innovate. Transform
Thursday, February 16 - Sunday, February 19, 2012
University United Methodist Church, Las Vegas, NV
LEAD is a gathering of one hundred participants that includes young clergy, young lay leaders, and others who are working with young adults in the United Methodist Church. LEAD will bring together the collective wisdom of those that want to transform and grow young adult ministry in the church for the ultimate transformation of the world with the love of Jesus Christ.
- As of December 6, 2011, there were about 30 spaces left.
- Registration to Relevance LEAD includes access to Relevance X.
- Press Release about Relevance LEAD 2012 available here. (PDF)
Relevance X 2012: Immerse yourselves. Love hard. Care for those who persecute you.
Friday, February 17 - Sunday, February 19, 2012
University United Methodist Church, Las Vegas, NV
More than an event you attend, this conference is a movement that focuses on empowering young adults (18-35) through worship, service, uniting our voices, and actively creating change in our communities. While no shortage of commentary continues to address the exodus of the under 35 crowd in today's mainline denominations, those who plan and gather at Relevance will be creating and telling a different story.
- 20% off discount code available here.
- Article about Relevance X 2011 event available here.
- Press Release about Relevance X 2012 available here. (PDF)
Relevance Ministries is the official young adult ministry of the Desert Southwest Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Full disclosure: I will be speaking at Relevance Lead with @pastordj about a new project scheduled to be made public by February 1, 2012. I will be sure to post about the project here on the blog once final details are in place. Full speaker list posted here.
I'm excited about these conferences. It will be a breakneck weekend...because I will be flying back to Ohio on Sunday night in order to be back at MTSO in time to meet the MTSO Harding Scholarship participants on Monday afternoon. Good stuff - days full of leadership cultivation, conversation and recruitment. Pretty happy.