Saturday, January 12, 2013

Writing. And reading.

What I'm Doing...
...rewriting chapters one through three of this dissertation. Scrapped the old stuff (using it as a resource) but simply starting fresh. On a roll. Trying to get a draft shipped out this week or next. 

Writing is like pulling teeth. But. It is important work. (Right? Right?) Writing also means that I do all sorts of other tasks while writing - laundry, puttering around the house, etc. Ah, the things we do to distract ourselves from painful tasks.

iTunes turns 12: An image gallery via arstechnica (this is looking more than reading - images more than text. But still pretty neat.) Amazing that all of my music fits onto my computer. Who knew?

Here's a good post about the implications of the female body as public space:
"...(T)he slow violence of "body-checking" - the everyday pinching, tugging, and monitoring of body fat - that so many women and girls casually perform on themselves and others every day. For nonwhite women and girls, gender violence is often bound up with racial violence."
The quote comes from a post about body shaming and cultural violence. Worth reading. 

Making decisions. "As with any other skill, / it takes time and practice / to learn how to make good, solid decisions." Be a person who makes decisions. 

Laughing about....


Listening to...
Tessellate by alt-j
God Moving Over the Face of the Waters by Moby
Body Work by Morgan Page

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